Our passion for cooking began over 70 years ago with one entrepreneur Harry Lemmons’ vision, and has transformed the lives of millions around the world. The love for our products and brand is undeniable as we want to change life through healthy cooking. Our mission is to inspire people to eat better, live better, and achieve the life they desire. And our core values— family, excellence, integrity, passion and empowerment—are the heart of our organization and deeply ingrained in the root of our DNA.
Saladmaster is one of the most trusted brands in the world and our commitment to quality and excellence can be seen through our premium products. Our attention to detail and craftsmanship in our legacy of manufacturing is always hand checked for quality and built to pass down to generations.
Our Brand Ambassadors, the Saladmaster Cooking Coaches, are a loyal, empowering and positive group numbering close to 25,000, in over 50 countries. Inspired by our legacy of changing life and belief in our products, Saladmaster Cooking Coaches share their enthusiasm with others by providing the best service and living a life that provides opportunity. They are proud to be a part of a company that engages with and gives back to global communities and helps educate families on the benefits of healthy living. They are helping Saladmaster live out our vision of leading the movement back to healthy, home cooking.
Saladmaster 's Compensatin Plan Type is Unilevel
In the unilevel plan, which is used by Saladmaster , all directly sponsored members who are recruited by the Saladmaster independent distributor are placed under him/her into a single business level. Additional levels are then created as those sponsored members build teams.
The uni-level compensation plan typically will payout on several levels below the distributor, depending on his/her rank.
For example, new Saladmaster distributors who are just starting out may only earn commission on the sales volume of their directly sponsored team members or level one. Once they achieve a higher career rank, they may earn commission on levels below their directly sponsored team members. Future rank advancements may include additional levels of commissions earned farther down their sponsor tree.